ECOOP 2025
Mon 30 June - Fri 4 July 2025 Bergen, Norway

Supporting ECOOP is an excellent opportunity to gain high visibility for a large group of software engineering scientists and to recruit highly qualified software engineers. In the past years, ECOOP has frequently seen participants from many countries, and they include highly qualified senior researchers and also students, many of whom might be looking for new job opportunities after graduating from their Masters or Ph.D.

ECOOP has different sponsorship packages that are listed in the Table below. However, we will gladly discuss tailored opportunities if none of the packages suit you. We value any support ideas and look forward to working with you!

The various sponsorship packages are shown in the following Table

BENEFITS Gold Silver Bronze.
Logo on the Conference website sponsors page Yes Yes Yes
Corporate description on the Conference website and program Yes Yes Yes
Acknowledgement by the Chair during the Opening and Closing Sessions Yes Yes No
Logo on Sponsor signage at venue Yes Yes Yes
Logo on Sponsor acknowledgement slide between Keynote Sessions Yes Yes Yes
One insert to be placed into the delegate satchels Yes Yes Yes
Logo in Conference Program Yes Yes Yes
Advertisement in the Conference Program Full Double page Half page Quarter page
Complimentary exhibition booth at the Conference Large exhibition booth (3m x 2m) Small exhibition booth (2m x 1m) No
Complimentary sponsor registrations (full delegate) 3 2 1